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Q: What ion falls off to make things more acidic?
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Does smoking make blood more acidic?

Yes it will make your blood more acidic as you are inhaling carbon dioxide. This enters the blood and makes blood more acidic as it creates carbonic acid.

What are the pollutants found in air which make rainwater more acidic?

salt salt makes it more acidic

Use the terms pH and indicator to describe a way to determine whether an unknown solution is acidic or basic?

acidic or basic and this is depending on what color it turns. If the unknown solution falls below 7 on the pH scale, then it is acidic but if it is more than 7 then it is basic. But if it falls straight on 7 then it is neutral. :)

Can you Give me name of two pollutants found in air which make rain-water more acidic?

salt makes it more acidic

Why is the pH of the ocean more acidic at night?

because there are more Carbonic acid on the air at night (from the trees) and it is solved in water and make it acidic.

Is vodka acidic?

Vodka is acidic, however it is one of the least acidic of all alcohols. Do NOT drink with ANY carbonated anything. This will make it HIGHLY acidic. Use water instead and lime or lemon can be added to make it more alkaline.

How does sulfur dioxide make rain water more acidic?

By burn coal,coal release sulphur to atmosphere

Zero on a pH scale is very?

acidic; highly acidic! 7 is neutral, and each number is a log representation of how many H+'s are in a solution. The more H+'s, the more acidic, so you have to think of the scale in reverse (if you're not used to thinking of things in log). So the more below 7 you are, the more acidic.

How is adding ammonia to a mixture going to make it more acidic?

An ammine ligand attached to a metal ion is remarkably more acidic than a free ammonia molecule

Does chlorine make pools more acidic?

It has litle effect on the pools acidity.

Why would soda make a coin rust faster than orange juice?

Both soda and orange juice are acidic, but the carbination in most sodas make it more acidic than the mildly-acidic citric acid in orange juice.

What more acidic of two solutions has?

The more acidic of two acidic solutions has more H+ ions per liter.