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Q: What ion would magnesium become after bonding?
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Which atom will form a positive ion during ionic bonding sulfur or magnesium?

Magnesium will form a positive ion during ionic bonding. Sulfur will form a negative ion during ionic bonding. In ionic bonding, metals form positive ions and nonmetals form negative ions.

Which atom of sulfur and magnesium for a positive ion during ionic bonding?

Magnesium is the cation and sulfur is the anion.

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Would sulfur become a positive ion before bonding yes or no?


Does chlorine become a negative ion before bonding yes or no?

Chlorine becomes a negative ion in the process of bonding; ionization and bonding are simultaneous, so no, it does not happen before bonding.

How many electron will Magnesium gain or lose when its forms an ion?

When an atom loses an electron, it becomes positive (Since you're taking away something that is negative). It would not become an ion, it would become a cation.

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Does aluminum become a negative ion before bonding yes or no?

No, aluminum does not become a negative ion; like all metals, it forms a positive ion.

Does nitrogen become a negative ion before bonding yes or no?

No, nitrogen does not become a negative ion before bonding. Nitrogen typically forms covalent bonds, in which it shares electrons with other atoms.

What is the interactive force between particles in magnesium Fluorine?

Magnesium fluoride, MgF2 is held together by ionic bonding between the positively charged magnesium ion and the negatively charged fluoride ions.

What happens when a magnesium atom loses an election in its outer energy shell?

After losing an electron in its outer shell a magnesium atom would become a CATION, a positively-charged ion. However, it is very rare for magnesium to only lose one electron; usually it will lose two and become a cation with a 2+ charge.

Would helium become a positive ion before bonding yes or no?

No. Helium is a noble gas. It does not want to gain or lose electrons as it already has a full valence shell. In order to become a positive ion it would need to lose an electron.