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"Good luck for the New Year!" in English Buona fortuna per il nuovo anno! in Italian.

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Q: What is 'Good Luck for the New Year' when translated from English to Italian?
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In bocca al lupo

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"Wishing you good luck in your new home!" in English means Ti auguro buona fortuna nella tua nuova casa! in Italian.

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Buona fortuna e vai con Dio! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Good luck and go with God!" The pronunciation will be "BWO-na for-TOO-na ey veye con DEE-o" in Italian.

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What is 'charm' when translated from English to Italian?

Amuleto for good luck and fascino for fascination are literal Italian equivalents of the English word "charm." The masculine singular nouns in question serve respectively to identify a good luck bearer or talisman in the first instance and an attraction or fascination about someone's appearance or personality. The respective pronunciations will be "A-moo-LEY-to" and "fa-SHEE-no" in Italian.

What is 'Good luck' when translated from English to Italian?

Buona fortuna, Fortuna and In bocca al lupoare Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Good luck!" Context makes clear whether "Nice good luck!" (case 1), "Fortune," "Good fortune," "Good luck" or "Luck" (example 2) or "In the mouth of the wolf!" (with the answer Crepi il lupo! ["May the wolf die!"], instance 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "BWO-na for-TOO-na," "for-TOO-na" and "een BOK-kal LOO-po" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Goodbye and good luck from all of us' when translated from English to Italian?

Arrivederci e buona fortuna da tutti noi! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Goodbye and good luck from all of us!" The wish literally translates into English as "To see ourselves again and good fortune from all us." The pronunciation will be "ar-REE-vey-DER-tchee ey BWO-na for-TOO-na da TOOT-tee noy" in Italian.

What is 'Good luck at your game' when translated from English to Italian?

"In boca a lupo stasera." It literally means, "In the mouth of the wolf tonight", like saying, "break a leg." You could also say, "Buona fortuna stasera" but "In boca a lupo" is much more common.

What is the phrase 'good luck' when translated from English to Indonesian?

Semoga beruntung! or Semoga berhasil!

What is the word 'honey' when translated from English to Thai?

น้ำผึ้ง good luck pronouncing that one =]

What is 'Crepi il lupo' when translated from Italian to English?

"May the wolf die!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Crepi il lupo! The response to this traditional good luck wish is In bocca al lupo! ("[Luck is] in [the] mouth of the wolf!"). The pronunciation will be "KREY-peel LOO-po" for the opening statement and "een BOK-kal LOO-po" for the response in Pisan Italian.