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shoma man ra mechohid baray hamishe.

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Q: What is 'I want you forever' in Farsi?
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How do i say i want you in farsi?

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Forever"Forever young,I want to be forever young.Do you really want to live forever?Forever, and everForever young,I want to be forever youngDo you really want to live forever?Forever young."Alphaville - Forever Young Lyrics

How do you say i want to make love to you in farsi?

You can say "می‌خواهم با تو عشق بیاورم" in Farsi, which translates to "I want to make love to you."

Why - in farsi?

English--------------> Farsi Why? --------------->Chera?

How do you spell Ariel in Farsi?

In Farsi, the name Ariel is spelled "آریل".

How do you say god in Farsi?

God in Farsi

What does June mean in Farsi?

June has no meaning in Farsi. Only Farsi names have meaning in Farsi. However, June is very close to the Farsi word جن (Jinn) which means Jinn or Elf.

What is the best English Farsi dictionary?

The best English Farsi dictionary is Aryanpour English Farsi dcitionary

How old is Farsi?

Farsi, also known as Persian, is an ancient language that dates back over 2500 years. It has roots in the Persian Empire and has evolved over time to become the modern language spoken in Iran and parts of other countries.

What is the Farsi word for Persian?

If you mean the language it is Farsi

Funny in Farsi?

"Funny in Farsi" is a memoir by Firoozeh Dumas that shares her experiences growing up as an Iranian immigrant in America. The book humorously captures the challenges of adjusting to a new culture while also celebrating the beauty of diversity and family. It offers a lighthearted and insightful look at the immigrant experience.

What is hibiscus in farsi?

It is called "Khatmi" or ختمی in Farsi