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Quel est le pays le plus pauvre d'Afrique? in French is "Which is the poorest country in Africa?" in English.

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"What is the poorest country in Africa"

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Q: What is 'Quel est le pays le plus pauvre d'Afrique' when translated from French to English?
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The parish itself is not qualified by the adjective "pauvre". It might be translated as "the parish of the Holy Poor" as, in Catholic faith, "grand pauvre" refers to God himself: "Pauvre" indicates that he owns nothing, not even the desire to own, "grand" indicates greatness.

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Elle était pauvre.

What does Paroisse De Grand Pauvre mean?

It might be translated as "the parish of the Great/the Holy Poor" as, in Catholic faith, "grand pauvre" refers to God himself, as he owns nothing, not even the desire to own.

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The duration of Pauvre Pierrot is 900.0 seconds.

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