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Q: What is 'The end' when translated from English to different languages?
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What is 'Comment s'est passé votre week-end dernier' when translated from French to English?

Comment s'est passé votre week-end? in French is "How was your last week-end?" in English.

Who is in charge of English language?

No one is in charge of English. Languages change through time and English has. Words dealing with computers are fairly new to the English language. New words are developed all the time that end up in common use.

What are some Spanish words that end in k but are easy to draw?

There aren't any Spanish words that end in K. K is not used in Spanish writing, except in a very few loan words from English and other foreign languages.

What is the origin of English words?

I assume you mean the English Language. As far as I know most of the English language stems from Latin---Most of the words in everyday use in English are of Anglo-Saxon origin, which in turn is derived from West Germanic.---German is known as the cousin of English, however, the German tribes kept the Latin syntax and threw away most but not all the meanings. The "Romantic" languages kept the meanings and in the general case lost the syntax, it is possible to end a sentence with a preposition but it isn't common practice. Words were added, by the Greek and other learned languages to aid the concept of ideas or desciptions. In the case of English words were added to by any other languages that were encountered during the British Empire building days, such as Khaki, char, kayak (sometimes kaiak) etc.The Germanic based languages are generally more descriptive of function e.g. a dictionary is Worterbuch, literally word book, Mittwoch being Wednesday (middle of the week, unlike the English Wodens day) not only that, the nouns in German take capitalisation (upper case) as the first letter. Similar to English but in some ways subtley different. Likewise there are also gender nouns, like French, in the language. There are a few in English such as a ship or boat is always female although it may carry a males' name.Unlike some languages English is infinitely expandable as it borrows from others. French, German most European languages have enhanced it over the years. French is regarded as the language of diplomacy, while English is the language of commerce.Hope this in helps in some ways a good dictionary of etymology might aid further study.

When did Modern English - band - end?

Modern English - band - ended in 1991.

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"End" in English is fine in Italian.

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What year was the bible first translated into English?

Partial translations of the Bible into languages of the English people can be traced back to the end of the 7th century, including translations into Old English and Middle English as well as the language we know today.AdditionallyThe first complete English translation of the Bible was done by John Wycliffe around 1380 AD.

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Amici per sempre.

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Finis viae; terminus viae.

What is 'They were friends till the end' when translated from English to French?

"They were friends till the end" in English is Ils étaient amis jusqu'à la fin in French.

Upside down exclamation mark?

It's used in different languages like Spanish. In English we only add them to the end but Spanish doesn't... Example: English - this is so cool!... Spanish - ¡This is so cool!

What is 'Ne finit pas' when translated from French to English?

Ne finit pas in French means "Does not end" in English.

What is 'Comment s'est passé votre week-end dernier' when translated from French to English?

Comment s'est passé votre week-end? in French is "How was your last week-end?" in English.

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Dal primo all'ultimo in Italian means "from beginning to end" in English.