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"I'm going to return" literally and "I'll come back" loosely are English equivalents of the Portuguese phrase Vou voltar. The pronunciation of the present indicative in the first person singular (which acts as a future indicative when followed by a present infinitive, as here) will be "vo vo-TA" in Cariocan Brazilian and continental Portuguese.

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Q: What is 'Vou voltar' when translated from Portuguese to English?
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How do you say will miss you in Brazilian Portuguese?

Vou ter saudades tuas. It´s more common to use " vou sentir saudade" ou " vou sentir saudades de você.

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Eu vou bem, obrigado

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You must say : Eu vou aprender Português por sua causa !

Hoe do you say 'I will call tomorrow' in Portuguese?

Vou ligar amanhã (for phone calls) Vou te ligar amanhã (I will call you tomorrow)

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Que é que você quer dizer com isso?