

What is 1 hydrogen and 1 chlorine?

Updated: 1/23/2024
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7y ago

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HCl is hydrogen chloride gas, which readily dissolve in water to form hydrochloric acid.

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Q: What is 1 hydrogen and 1 chlorine?
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How many chlorine atoms are present for every atom in a hydrogen chloride molecule?

There is 1 hydrogen atom and 1 chlorine atom in Hydrogen Chloride.

Why doesn't 1 gram of hydrogen react with 1 gram of chlorine?

One atom of hydrogen reacts with one atom of chlorine forming one molecule of hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid). An atom of hydrogen has less mass than one of chlorine so 1 gram of hydrogen contains more hydrogen atoms than one gram of chlorine.

What happens when a chlorine shares 1 electrons with an atom of hydrogen?

Actually chlorine and hydrogen will not share electrons; the chlorine atom steals the electron from the hydrogen atom, creating two separate oppositely charged ions.

How do you make HCl from NaCl?

1. Electrolysis of sodium chloride products are NaOH, chlorine and hydrogen. 2. The product of the reaction between chlorine and hydrogen is hydrogen chloride.

Hydrogen oxygen and chlorine are?

Hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine are elements.

What is the oxidation state of chlorine in HCl?

The oxidation state is +1 for hydrogen and -1 for chlorine.

How is hydogen chlorine different from hydrogen gas and chlorine gas?

Hydrogen chloride is a compound made from hydrogen and chlorine; the two are elements by themselves.

What does hydrochloric acid mean in the periodic table?

Hydrochloric acid comprises of elements-hydrogen and chlorine. Hydrogen is placed above in group-1 and chlorine in group-17

Hydrogen and chlorine are pure substances of what?

Hydrogen and chlorine are chemical elements, not compounds

How many atoms are in HCl?

The answer is 2. 1 atom of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Chlorine.

What type of bond does HCl form?

"Hydrogen has +1 valency and chlorine has -1 valency. So, they share a single electron and form a single covalent bondbetween them. "Chlorine is -1, meaning it has one extra electron. Hydrogen is +1, meaning it requires one electron to fill its valence (if only) shell. therefore HCl is an ionic bond where hydrogen is stealing one electron from chlorine.

Why is it that the compound of hydrogen and chlorine not a mixture?

The properties of hydrogen chloride differ markedly from both hydrogen and chlorine, and you cannot see either of the original elements in the hydrogen chloride liquid. In contrast, if you simply mix hydrogen and chlorine in a flask you will still have a gas which is coloured yellowish by the chlorine.