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anish gave his new mobile

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Q: What is AV-S-V-IO-DO in the basic sentence pattern?
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What is the exact meaning of basic sentence pattern?

BASIC SENTENCE PATTERN refers to sentence structure (means grammer and the correct tense). it also means that what is the main idea of your sentence, e.g.: jack is tall. this sentence main idea is to convey a message that he is tall.

What is definition of basic pattern of sentence?

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Basic sentence pattern S-LV-N?

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Can you give 5 basic sentence pattern with examples?

subject verb subject

What are the meaning of 5 basic sentence pattern?

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What are the two basic of the sentence?

The two basic part of a sentence are the subject and verb (predicate).

What are sentence patterns?

All sentence follow patterns. The most basic pattern in English is a subject followed by verb.If you say, "The baby cried loudly," you are using the S-V pattern. The subject is baby and the verb is cried. The other words are modifiers.

How do you use basic needs in a sentence?

Many people do not have their basic needs.

What does rudimentary sentence mean?

Rudimentary means basic. So it would mean a basic sentence. For example: Tom likes candy.

What is the sentence patterns?

it can be flexible but here's a basic pattern: subject-adverb-verb-direct object-indirect object also, the negation (not-не) goes before the verb

Example of basic sentence pattern S-TV-adverb?

AA sowie wla akung ala hha !! give ur own answer nalang