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A mime

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Q: What is A person who acts without saying words?
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A person who acts without saying words?


What is a person who acts with out saying words?

I believe your talking about a mime.

What is a play without words called?

A play without words is called a ballet, or pantomime. A person who acts without words, is called a mime.

What do you call a person who acts without thinking?

A person who acts without thinking is usually called "impulsive."

How do you tell a guy you like him without saying i like you?

Be nice to him by doing random acts of kindness for him.

What is moral personality?

A moral personality is one in which the person acts in a way that is for good of themselves and others. It can also mean a person who acts in a truthful manner without deception.

Espionage and Sedition Acts?

Under these, a person could be fined and jailed for interfering with the war effort or for saying anything disloyal about the the govt. or war effort

What is bill of attainder?

a law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court. Constitution prevents congress from passing this type of bills

What do you do if someone has a crush on you?

Wel, by the way that person acts around you. Theres a saying that when a person constantly hits you, or like does things like that it means they Like you. & also if they act really sweet around you.

How do you tell if a friend lieks you more than a friend?

look how the person is acting arround you and other people if she/he acts different if she/he does its pretty much saying that they like you

One who acts as a messenger between two people?

A person that acts as a messenger between two people is not helping anyone. This type of situation can cause problems and should be dealt with without a messenger.

What is the person that acts something like a dermatologist called?

An esthetician is a person that acts something like a dermatologist.