

What is A volcano that erupting or has erupted recently?

Updated: 9/12/2021
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6y ago

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Mount Etna, in Sicily (Italy)

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Jalon Huels

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2y ago
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14y ago

Mount Etna, in Sicily (Italy)

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Q: What is A volcano that erupting or has erupted recently?
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What is A volcano that is erupting or had erupted recently?

An active volcano

A volcano that is erupting or has erupted recently?


What volcano that is erupting or that has erupted recently?

Mount Etna, in Sicily (Italy)

What is a volcano that is erupting or has currently erupted called?

The common term is 'active'. This contrasts to a volcano that has not recently erupted - which is termed 'dormant'.

How do the three types of volcanoes differ?

The three types of volcanoes - shield, cinder cone, and stratovolcano - differ in their shapes and eruptions. Shield volcanoes have broad, gently-sloping sides and are formed by low-viscosity lava flows. Cinder cone volcanoes are steep-sided with explosive eruptions that produce pyroclastic material. Stratovolcanoes are tall, steep-sided mountains with alternating layers of lava flows and ash deposits.

Is a volcano called volcano only when it is erupting?

A volcano is called a volcano whether it is erupting or not.It is called an active volcano if it is erupting or has erupted recently.It is a dormant volcano if it hasn't erupted in a long time.Extinct volcanoes are not expected to ever erupt again.

What is a volcano that has erupted called?

A volcano that has erupted recently is classed as an active volcano.

How are volcanoes that have erupted in recent history classified?

A volcano that has erupted at least once during the past 10,000 years is called an active volcano. Active volcanos can be further classified as erupting or dormant. An erupting volcano is an active volcano that is currently having an eruption. A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting, but that is due to erupt again.

A volcano that is currently erupted or recently erupted is called what?

Such a volcano is said to be active.

What is a volcano that is erupting or has erupted in the last 100 years called?

It is called a active volcano. Inactive volcanoes have not erupted for more than a century.

A dormant volcano is erupting or may erupt in the near future.?

No, Extinct = Not likely explode again Dormant = hasnt't erupted for hundreds or thousands of years but may still erupt Active = Recently erupted, and is likely to erupt

A volcano that has erupted recently is considered as?

Erupted recently - active. Hasn't erupted recently but could - dormant. Will never erupt again - extinct.