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Ashe is an attack speed and an attack. So the best item you definitely should get is Phantom Dancer. That should be your second item. Your first item is Berserker's Greaves. Second is Phantom Dancer. Third is Infinity Edge. Fourth is Bloodthirster. Fifth is another Phantom Dancer. And finally, the sixth item should be another Infinity Edge.

Berserker's Greaves -> Phantom Dancer -> Infinity Edge -> Bloodthirster -> Phantom Dancer -> Banshee's Veil

ADDENDUM: I wish to make sure that you understand that there is not one way to build a champ. I personally prefer getiing the Infinity's Edge first (for more damage output) before I build a Phantom Dancer. Some games also call for other items, such as Quicksilver Sash for example.

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Ashe The Frost Archer

Start items

Long Sword

Mana Potion

Health Potion

Core items

Infinity Edge

Phantom Dancer

The Bloodthirster

Endgame items

The Black Cleaver

Guardian Angel

Last Whisper

Full Build

The Black Cleaver

Last Whisper

Phantom Dancer

The Bloodthirster

Berserker's Greaves

Infinity Edge

Build 2

Start items

Long Sword

Health Potion

Laning phase items

Berserker's Greaves

Avarice Blade

Vampiric Scepter

B. F. Sword

Core items

Berserker's Greaves

The Bloodthirster

Infinity Edge

Endgame items

Berserker's Greaves

Blade of the Ruined King

Statikk Shiv

The Bloodthirster x2

Infinity Edge

AD Carry Gameplay


Head bottom lane with your support. You will want an ally that can keep you safe and allow you to free farm for the first 20 or so minutes. Alternatively, farm champions. If you plan to be aggressive, you are going to need an aggressive support, someone who can initiate skirmishes, soak up incoming damage and deal some themselves. Whilst Ashe can do a fair amount of damage on her own, you will need a competent ally to aid your early game aggression. Ensure you do not over-extend.


Depending on whether you are on Purple or Blue side, you can grab Double Golems before you head to lane; killing Double Golems (if you are team Blue) gives you an increase in experience and gold, meaning you will hit level two faster. As leashing has changed for S3, practise this in a custom game with a friend before trying it yourself in a normal, to gauge the amount of damage your support can take.


The ability to last hit is a fundamental skill of an experienced and conscientious player. Landing the killing blow on an enemy minion or neutral monster not only awards you Experience and Gold, vital towards buying items and levelling up, but also allows you to farm safely without pushing your lane. Creep Score (commonly referred to as CS) is often used as a measure of how successful one is whilst laning. Last hitting as the ADC is incredibly important; with Ashe there's an added bonus/incentive of gaining extra gold per minion kill via Hawkshot.


Keep your eyes open. Being aggressive in lane often means you are pushed to the enemy tower, leaving you susceptible to ganks. If you are ganked and start losing your lane, don't despair. Ask for help. There's nothing worse than being too proud to ask for assistance. Often your jungler can camp your lane and put some pressure on the enemies, or your mid lane can come and gank a few times. If worst comes to worst, let the tower fall and try and recover under your Tier Two Turret.


Around about now you should be taking/have taken Dragon as a team. First push the wave to the enemy tower to ensure they're preoccupied with minion farming. Ensure the ramp to Dragon is warded, or any other entry/exit points that are of concern. Only attempt Dragon if your Jungler has Smite, elsewise risk it being stolen by the enemy team.


Kiting refers to attacking an enemy with ranged attacks or abilities while maintaining a safe distance. This term originated from the analogy of flying a kite, where the attacking champion (the person) holds the target (the kite) at a safe distance (the string). This feat is often performed by ranged champions against enemy melee champions. While kiting, the ranged champion makes use of their superior range, mobility and/or CC to damage the enemy champion without taking damage themselves. Ashe's Frost Shot (and/or Volley) allows her to kite many melee champions quite effectively as they become too slow to get within range for their attacks.


Where you stand and who you attack during a teamfight can make or break a game. You are an ADC, thus you are squishy and susceptible to being targeted. As such, the enemies that are going to be closest to you are those that are tanky enough to get close. These champions include junglers such as Maokai, top laners like Irelia and possibly tanky mids like Swain or Pantheon. Realistically, you ain't getting anywhere close to their AD/AP carries, so just fire away! Try to remain behind your team, behind their defenses, but shoot anything that's close to you. There's no such thing as a "wrong target"; unless you have the opportunity to target someone squishy, you're going to need to take down their front line first.


This is something that takes a long time to grasp; knowing where each enemy player is located on the map, IN ADDITION to the locations of your allies can make or break games. Just knowing that the jungler was just mid and was heading towards top can mean two things: 1) he's jungling, getting a buff or 2) he's looking to gank top. By watching the minimap and keeping your awareness levels high, you'll rarely encounter fights like the one below.

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