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"English for non-native speakers" would likely be a class or classes for people whose first language is a language other than English. The class or classes would be tailored specifically for the needs of people who speak other languages first.

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Related questions

Why do non native English speakers mix English with their native language?

Non-native English speakers mix English with their native language because they don't think in English, and because of mother tongue interference.

Which language has the highest number of non- native speakers?

English has the highest number of non-native speakers in the world due to its widespread use as a global lingua franca in business, education, and technology. It is estimated that there are over a billion non-native English speakers worldwide.

What language has the most non-native speakers?

English has the most non-native speakers worldwide, mainly due to its status as a global lingua franca and the widespread use of English for communication in business, education, and technology.

What English words are most often mispronounced by non-native English speakers?

Many! I have found that it depends on the native language.

Second most spoken language in the world?

Either English or Spanish--Spanish if you're counting native speakers, English if you're counting native and non-native.

What language has the greatest number of non-native speakers in the world?

My guess is English, but the question is tricky. Non-native speakers does NOT mean every single speaker of English born outside of the UK, North America and Australia. There are many different Englishes, including the English spoken as a first or dual language by natives of India, the Philippines and other places. English is on the move, and there is no stopping her.

Is there such a word as tofel?

TOFEL is an exam for non-native English speakers to attend American colleges and universities.

Do native English speakers need accent reduction courses?

It is not necessary for native English speakers to take accent reduction courses unless they want to modify their accent for personal or professional reasons. Accents are a natural part of language variation and do not necessarily impact communication effectiveness.

What is the difference between native speaker of English and non native speaker of English?

A native speaker of English learned the language from birth or early childhood in a predominantly English-speaking environment, while a non-native speaker learned English as a second or foreign language later in life. Native speakers typically have a higher level of fluency, natural pronunciation, and cultural understanding of the language.

What is online ESL?

ESL stands for English as a Second Language. Online ESL is therefore a label for systems that teach English to non-native English speakers.

What is the difference between tesol and tefl?

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a broader term that includes teaching English to non-native English speakers in English-speaking countries, as well as teaching English to non-English speakers in non-English speaking countries. TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) specifically focuses on teaching English to non-English speakers in countries where English is not the primary language.

How come people who is not natve speaker can have their accent?

Non-native English speakers get their accent in large part from their native language. For instance, French-speakers have difficulty with the "th" sound in English and instead pronounce a zed. The "h" is usually silent in French also, and French-speakers can't aspirate it, so the English "this is the help I need" would be pronounced "Zis is the 'elp I need". In addition, non-native speakers pick up the accent of the English they have learned, so that Italian immigrants in Australia have both Australian and Italian accents. Sometimes, the English accent can affect the non-native speaker's language so that when an Italian-Australian returns home to Italy for a visit, their Italian has an Australian accent.