

What is Fus ro dah?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Those are the 3 words of the Unrelenting Force shout. In the language of the dragons, they mean "Force", "Balance" and "Push" respectively.

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What does fus ro dah mean?

In the game called Skyrim you can unlock a power called a dragon shout (a shout that effects the world around you) Fus Ro Dah are the words you say for one of the shouts it causes the person (or people) that the direction you shouted at to be flung great distances sense its fun for most people to Fus Ro Dah random people in this game it has become a internet sensation/meme

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The answer my friends is to look deep inside yourself, then if you are truly dragon born the shout will come naturally. FUS RO DAH.

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Im so gay so come to my house so i can FUS ROH DAH you in my bed.