

What is Home replication strategy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Home replication strategy is the international replication of home based competencies sucha s production scales, distribution and brand power. An example of this is Wal Mart opening in Brazil. Wal Mart has replicated it's system which it uses domestically. Two drawbacks are 1) the lack of local responsiveness and 2) easy implementation which degrades any competative advantage.

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That would be called the Replication Fork

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Replication is the process and im sure im right.

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DNA replication begins in areas of DNA molecules are called origins of replication.

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Multiple replication forks working in concert, can be replicated in about 8 hours

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The usual strategy when you can no longer afford your home is to seek less expensive housing. An alternative strategy would be to rent part of your home out to someone else, in order to increase your income so that you will be able to afford your home. Maybe your home can be more intensively utilized.

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Both occur at the Replication Fork. Don't let the name deceive you.

Is it DNA Copying or DNA Replication?

DNA copying and DNA replication are interchangeable terms that refer to the process of making an exact copy of a DNA molecule. During this process, the double-stranded DNA unwinds, and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand.