

What is IP issues?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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14y ago

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At a guess, that would be IP as in Intellectual Property, not as in internet Protocol.

IP issues in the first sense, as it relates to software, refers to a whole lot of potential problems relating to patents, copyright law and what code you can write and distribute without getting sued for your troubles.

For example, Amazon has a patent on "one-click purchase". If you set up a website where people can buy something with just one click, Amazon could claim that they have patent on that and require that you pay them for using "their invention". Alternatively they could choose to sue you out of existence - even if they had a weak case and would likely lose in court, they have more money and could keep the court case going until the lawyer bills drive you out of business. Then they would win on walkover.

As pretty much everything related to computer use and software is patented, often many times over, this is a major concern for software companies as well as for open source software.

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There are 2 main IP protocols. In IP version 4, each IP address has 4 octets. In IP version 6, each IP address has 16 octets.If somebody says "IP address" without further qualifications, he probably means IP version 4, since that is the current standard. IP version 6 is the planned future standard.There are 2 main IP protocols. In IP version 4, each IP address has 4 octets. In IP version 6, each IP address has 16 octets.If somebody says "IP address" without further qualifications, he probably means IP version 4, since that is the current standard. IP version 6 is the planned future standard.There are 2 main IP protocols. In IP version 4, each IP address has 4 octets. In IP version 6, each IP address has 16 octets.If somebody says "IP address" without further qualifications, he probably means IP version 4, since that is the current standard. IP version 6 is the planned future standard.There are 2 main IP protocols. In IP version 4, each IP address has 4 octets. In IP version 6, each IP address has 16 octets.If somebody says "IP address" without further qualifications, he probably means IP version 4, since that is the current standard. IP version 6 is the planned future standard.

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