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Just on vacation should be fine but he would need your permission if the court order can not be fulfilled or if he moves with the child.

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Q: What is KY state law about noncustodial parent taking the child to another state when you have joint custody?
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If you lose custody of a child can you get them back after 10 years?

As in taking the child away from the other parent? Perhaps

Does the noncustodial parent have to bring back the children to the custodial parents after a visit?

Yes, unless there are other arrangements mentioned in the visitation order. The non-custodial parent shouldn't expect the custodial parent to do the transporting. Taking your own parental responsibilities seriously is character building.

If arrearage is owed can custodial parent claim child if courts gave tax exemption to non custodial parent?

I'm not sure what state you are in, but in Utah a non custodial parent may NOT claim the child if they are not current on child support. You need to check your individual state. I'm thinking the custodial parent could claim the child if the non custodial parent isn't able to. I don't see why they would allow the exemption to go to waste. It's not like your taking it away from him, just using it because NCP can't.

Can you get in trouble for taking your child to another state when there is no legal custody or visitations?

As for relocating, if married, you would be ordered to return the child to the jurisdiction of the court. If single, though not illegal, the same would apply if the other parent were to file an injunction.

Can a friend take another friend's child without permission across state line?

Are you married to the other parent? Divorced? Are they paying child support? Do they have "visitation rights?" In some instances the court MAY require you to get permission of the child's other parent to move the child before taking up residence out-of-state.

Does the parent with only visitations have to be notified that the child will go to therapy?

If the parent with visitation rights has joint legal custody they have the right to participate in the decision to seek and schedule therapy for the child. A parent with sole legal custody has the right to arrange therapy for the child without the consent of the non-custodial parent. The custodial parent should inform the NC parent of the therapy and involve them if the NC parent is willing to help especially when the NC parent is taking a positive parental interest and role in the child's life. However, the parent with sole legal custody has the sole right to make decisions that involve the child. Divorce is often an adversarial situation and judges often do not award joint legal custody if the parents do not have a congenial relationship. That is to avoid a situation where one parent interferes with the needs of the child because they disagree with the custodial parent's decisions.

What is the penalty for one parent taking children out of the country without the other parent's consent?

Whether this is even a crime depends on which country the children are taken from and to, and whether one or both of the parents have legal custody of the children.

Can someone help taking care child while custody parent go vacation?

As far as i know, you can leave the child with a relative without letting anybody know, but if you leave them in the custody of a babysitter or anything, you must let somebody know, anybody.

Does the custodial parent need to give non-custodial parent a letter of permission when non-custodial parent is taking child out of state for a extended period of time?

IT is a good idea assuming the custodial parent has sole custody or sole legal custody of the child. Otherwise, most states will administer medical care to a child with either parent present and will administer life saving measures without anyone present though they would be unable to continue treatment beyond emergency stabilization without a parent or guardian consent

Can a child as a judge to change custody in ALABAMA?

In Alabama, a child cannot be a judge to change custody. Custody decisions are typically made by a judge based on the best interests of the child, taking into consideration factors such as their age, preference (if mature enough), and the ability of each parent to provide a stable and supportive environment.

Can the father of your child stop you for taking your baby out of the state and visiting your family?

No, I don't believe they can. It depends on the agreements of the split custody; if there is split custody. Technically, the law only forbids a parent moving out of state with the child if there is split custody, but if there is full custody, I do believe that its allowed. In any case if you're only visiting, Theres nothing in the law that prohibits you. I grew up with divorced parents, although there were no custody agreements.