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Labor Day in Australia is called Labour Day.

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Related questions

What is Labor Day in Australia?

Labor Day in Australia is called Labour Day.

What is Labor Day Australia?

Labour Day in Australia specifically celebrates the attainment of the eight hour working day.

Why don't people work if it is called Labor Day?

It wasn't named Labor Day for that reason lol. But who ever named it that should work on that day since it was after all called Labor Day...

How do other cultures of Australia celebrate Labor Day?

by having a drink if imilk

Is Kate Winslet in the film called Labor Day?

Yes, Kate is in the 2013 film called Labor Day. She plays the role of Adele Wheeler.

What is the distance between Sudan and Australia?

64653 miles unless labor day then 64652

What is the name of the Labor Day hurricane?

It is simply called the Labor Day hurricanes as it occurred before hurricanes were given names.

Why should Australia day be called invasion day?

invasion day

What is the first Monday in September called?

Labor Day.

What is Christmas Day called in Australia?

In Australia, Christmas Day is called Christmas Day, just as it is in other English-speaking countries around the world. It is preceded by Christmas Eve.

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Labor Day

What is Labor Day called in Mexico?

They don't. They celebrate the International Worker's Day on the 1st of May, along much of the rest of the world.