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Chicken,kale and rice, and liked too drink milk

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Q: What is Malcolm x favorite food?
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What was Malcolm X's favorite hobby?

Malcolm X's favorite hobby was preaching to his people about the oppression that the white race put upon them Malcolm x loved to preach about Allah and how he would save them from oppression of the white race

What is Malcolm X favorite thing to do?

Malcolm X was actually an accomplished dancer. He greatly enjoyed this pastime as an activity. He also enjoyed several different games of cards.

What was Malcolm X favorite shop?

There is no definitive answer to what Malcolm X's favorite shop was as he did not publicly mention it. Malcolm X was known for being highly active in civil rights and political activism, and his focus was more on advocating for the rights of Black people rather than personal preferences such as a favorite shop.

What were Malcolm X'S favorite books he read?

The little Engine that could.

What is Malcolm X's favorite food?

I loved especially to grow peas. I was proud when we had them on our table.” (Malcolm X) During the Depression, many struggling families like that of Malcolm X had to eat almost like vegetarians, surviving on vegetables grown in expanded family gardens.Jun 5, 2019

What is Malcolm X's favorite color?

His favorite color is black or blue i am not sure but i think so that is all that the internet is saying

What is Malcolm x favorite music?

I believe it was a jazz tune called If I were a Bell

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Malcolm X

What was Malcolm x's faviorite food?

His biography doesn't tell us that information.

What name was Malcolm X when he was assassinated?

Malcolm X

Is Malcolm X single?

No, Malcolm X is not single.

What are Malcolm X's goals?

what were Malcolm X's goals