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Q: What is Syria's military strength defense budget number of troops and friendly and enemy countries?
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What demonstrates a friendly relationship between Canada and the US?

Our military and defense. Canada is a willing protectorate of the USA.

Does Japan have a military?

Yes, Japan does have a military but has no army. Japan's military can only be used for self-defense and the reason why Japan does not have an army because they'll be bringing military weapons and vehicles to attack other countries. After WW2, they were banned by the rules. Japan can only use its military in defense.

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The name of President Ronald Reagan's plan to increase the strength of the U.S. Military was "Star Wars". It is also the name of the popular movie franchise.

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The Department of Defense is in charge of the U.S. military.

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To become a military defense lawyer, you should apply with recruiters via the ROTC program. You do not have to originally be a lawyer first to become a military defense lawyer.

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Department of Defense and Departments of State. Both work to prevent wars and to talk to other countries. The Defense is the military while the State is diplomats. Each defends the nation with the president as Commander in Chief.

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