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What British tax remains after the townshend acts were repealed?

The taxes to remain after the Townshend Acts were repealed were the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and the other big tax to remain is the Tea Acts

What British tax remained after Townshend act were repealed?

The taxes to remain after the Townshend Acts were repealed were the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and the other big tax to remain is the Tea Acts

Commodity that continued to be taxed after the townshend acts were repealed?


When did Britain repeal the townshend acts?

Britain partially repealed the Townshend acts on March 5, 1770. The act was fully repealed a month later.

What happened when the British passed the Townshend acts?

the stamp act was repealed

What did British Parliament do to address the grievances of the colonists?

repealed the Stamp and Townshend Acts

Lord north repealed all of the townshend acts except the what act?

The tea act

Why did the parliament repeal the townshend?

The townshend acts were repealed because the colonists didn't believe they should be taxed on every little thing.

The only part of the Townshend Acts that was not repealed was the?

The tax on tea to be imported by the East India Company.

After the Boston massacre all townshend acts were repealed except what?

After the Boston Massacre, all of the Townshend Acts were repealed except for the tax on tea. This led to widespread anger and opposition, eventually culminating in the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

What American revolution acts were repealed?

The Stamp Act, which was later replaced by the Sugar Act in 1754, followed by the Townshend Acts and Intolerable (Coercive Acts)

What acts were passed because of the Boston massacre?

Parts of the townshend acts were repealed after the Boston massacre but the tax on tea was still in effect which eventually led to the Boston tea party