

What is The basic text editing used to write HTML?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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You can write HTML code using any plain text editor, including Notepad. However, an editor that understands the HTML format is better as this can provide syntax highlighting and autocomplete facilities to help minimise coding errors. Most will also provide a preview facility, while some will let you edit the formatted page directly, much as you would format a document using a word processing program.

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Q: What is The basic text editing used to write HTML?
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There are various IDE's that provide text-editing functions. Eclipse is such an IDE, Visual Studio is another.

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HTML can be easily edited to incorporate text by opening normal text editing software. You can use the default text-editor of your operating system (Such as notepad or wordpad), or use something more professional, like Dreamweaver.

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HTML tags can be made to create a basic webpage. The basic tags with some text can make a webpage in basic format.

Is it possible to create HTML documents with word?

yes you can use any text editing software to make a HTML file. Just use the rules of HTML and save it as htm or HTML and your good to go.

What is the program called that provides text editing and special HTML editing features?

If you want a rich text editor (used inside a website) you can use CKEditor or tinymce (google it to find downloads and a howto)

How do you working in HTML?

You can work on HTML in Notepad or Notepad++. These are text editors which understand HTML.

How do you view HTML on a PC?

To view the source code of an HTML document, open it using Notepad or a similar text processor (Notepad is best for HTML editing). To view the HTML document as it would look on the Internet, open it with any web browser.

Why can't MySpace read my HTML code?

Some websites will not accept HTML code in their forms so that malicious users will not be able to hijack the site. Oftentimes, web forms encode HTML so that it is not actually HTML but just plain text. If a web form does not allow HTML then it is possible that it gives another way of editing the look of the text that the form accepts.

What is www and HTML?

WWW stands for World Wide Web. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is a basic web code, these files usually end in .html or .htm

What are the different HTML editing software?

Eclipse, Visual Studio etc are some of the IDE's. You can also work of text editors like Notepad and Notepad++.

What is better HTML or text?

Of course, it's HTML! HTML can do anythink that text can do plus more! Can text make a radio buttin? Can text make a drop-down menu? No, and again no! HTML Text