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Q: What is The complex carbohydrate form of a sugar that is stored in the liver and muscles?
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How is carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscle?

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

What type of carbohydrate is stored in the liver?

Glycogen is stored in liver

The carbohydrate found in skeletal muscle and liver is what?

Carbohydrate that is stored in the liver and skeletal muscle

Where is glucogen stored?

Glucose is stored as glycogen in muscles and liver.

What are the advantages of the liver storing glycogen as a form of energy instead of glucose?

glycogen is a more complex carbohydrate than glucose. macromolecules are stored as complex molecules for example lipids are stored as complex fat.

What type of carbohydrate is stored in our muscles?

Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and is second to fats as long-term energy storage.

How do the liver and skeletal muscles handle a carbohydrate overload?

It all depends on what you mean by an overload. If you eat many cookies, the carbohydrates you don't use right away are stored as fat. The liver and muscles are not directly affected.

Glycogen is stored in the liver and?

Glycogen is stored in the liver and the skeletal muscles

What is the common form of carbohydrate?

glucose is the common form of simple sugar

What is the job of carbohydrates in a cell?

They are everywhere. All cells have some amount of carbohydrates. In liver and muscles, carbohydrate glycogen is stored.

What is the main carbohydrate reserve in animals?

Liver and muscles store carbohydrate .

What is the smallest unit any carbohydrate can be hydrolyzed to?

Glucose is the simplest monosaccharide or sugar and is the smallest unit any carbohydrate can be broken down to. It is the only carbohydrate the brain can use as fuel and the glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen which is a polymer of glucose.