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Q: What is The purpose of retention systems?
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Why retention is important?

Customers is life of systems.

Why customer retention is important?

Customers is life of systems.

What is diffrente of retention time and ditention time?

Retention time is the time of passing material(fluids) through the volume of the drum with determined flowrate :Retention time=V/Qwhich Q : flowrateand V : Volumebut Detention time is the time that materials stay in drumin batch systems Detention time equals with Retention time.but in continious systems or semi batch systems denention time is bigger than Retention timecommonly.Detention time= n Retention timewhich n is the number of times which materials(fluids) pass through the the volume of drum.

What is the purpose of using monitoring systems?

The purpose of using monitoring systems is to capture data. Another purpose of using monitoring systems is to monitor the environment for security purpose.

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Psycologists who examine learning from a behavioral perspective define learning as?

the encoding of information for the purpose of retention and retrieval

When we read the visual and audio texts we?

engage multiple sensory systems, leading to better comprehension and retention of the material.

What are the duties of national recruiting and retention NCO?

Depends on their function. A recruiter's purpose is to recruit new entrants, provide information, and do what they can to streamline the enlistment process. A retention NCO tries to get service members to reenlist.

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What is difference between hardwired system and general purpose hardware system?

Hardwire systems have limited tasks where as multi purpose systems are multitasked

What is trust and retention account?

Trust & retantion account opend by bank to maintain track of payment made for the purpose of project.

What are respiratory systems and its purpose?

the respitor consists of the lungs and its purpose is to put oxegen into the blood.