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Q: What is The term for tendon suturing and repair of torn muscles is?
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What is the medical term meaning suture of a tendon to bone?

Tenodesis is the medical term meaning surgical suturing of the end of a tendon to a bone (ten/o means tendon, and -desis means to bind or tie together). Tenodesis is the opposite of tenolysis."Suture" is just fancy for "sew".

What is the medical term meaning surgical division of a tendon?

Tenorrhaphy is used for suturing a divided end of a tendon.

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Laceration repair means suturing of a wound.

What is the surgical suturing of a defect in the muscular wall?

Myorrhaphy is the term meaning surgical suture of a muscle, but the term herniorrhaphy is surgical repair of a hernia, i.e. a weakened muscular wall.

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Fasciodesis is the medical term meaning suture of the fascia to a skeletal attachment. A related term, fasciorrhaphy, means suture of the fascia, e.g. to repair a wound.

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Blepharorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the eyelid. Tarsorrhaphy is a related term meaning partially suturing the eyelids closed.

What does the term tendon mean?

A medical condition where a tendon has been injured, usually while playing sports due to overuse or exertion. A tendon is the hard connective tissue that joins muscle to bone.

What is the medical term meaning suture of the muscle?

Myorrhaphy is the surgical suturing of a muscle wound (my/o means muscle and -rrhaphy means surgical suturing).

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What is the medical term meaning suture of the intestine?

Enterorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the intestine. A related term, enteroplasty, means surgical repair of the intestine.

What is the medical term meaning the act of closing a wound or incision by stiching?

Suturing is the medical term meaning the act of closing a wound or incision by stitching. Suturing keeps the edges closer for better healing.

What is the medical term meaning closing by stitching?

SuturingSuturation is the act of suturing.