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Q: What is The tract that carries sensations from muscle spindles to the CNS is the?
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What is the difference between gracile tract and cuneate tract?

They both carry proprioceptive and fine touch sensations. But, gracile tract carries sensations from lower halfof our body. On the other hand, cuneate tract carries sensations from upper half of our body.

What is the fiber tract that carries impulses to the cerebrum and then to the lower CNS called?

This fiber tract is called the projection tract.

What is the strongest muscle in the GI tract organ?

The stomach has the thickest walls and the strongest muscle in all the GI tract organs. : )

What is the pathway for crude pain?

The lateral spinothalamic tract (it carries sensation for temperature and pain) whereas the anterior spinothalamic tract carries sensation for light touch and pressure.

The type of muscle that is found in digestive tract and blood vessels?

smooth muscle

What are the clinical manifestations for medial medullary syndrome?

paralysis of tongue muscle ipsilateral to lesions (due to damaged hypoglossal nerve)hemiplagia contralateral to lesion (due to damaged corticospinal tract)loss of sensations carried by medial lemniscus - contralateral to lesion

What type of muscle tissue is found within the digestive system?

Smooth muscle tissue is located in the wall of the digestive tract.

The type of muscle that is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle

Which type of muscle is responsible for peristalsis along to digestive tract?

smooth muscle

What part of digestive tract carries food to the esophagus?

the throat

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Malpighian Tubes

The type of involuntary muscle that moves food through the digestive tract is called?

smooth muscle