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Q: What is Uppercase letter on the keyboard?
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What is to code to make a star in word?

If you want this kind of star: * that is called an asterisk and you get it as the uppercase of the letter 8, on a normal keyboard.

What is a one uppercase letter?

A is the uppercase form of a

How do you do roman numerals on a keyboard?

Use the uppercase letters IDLVXCM

Is it a computer virus if you can't type the letter Y in lower case?

no the key board is stuffed! @previous person who answered: do you not understand the question? he/she mentioned that he/she had been unable to type the letter 'Y' in "lowercase". he/she had specified it as "lowercase". which means that he/she is able to type it in "uppercase". Since he/she can type the letter in uppercase, how could his/her keyboard be stuffed.

What does la mayuscula mean in spanish?

"An uppercase letter" or "A capital letter".

Can you use the shift key to uppercase letters?

That is the primary way to create uppercase letters for the ones that have keyboard keys. This is adopted from the same keys used on typewriters.

What is uppercse letter?

This is an uppercase letter A and this is a lower case letter a

What does the letter l represent in electrical terms?

The letter L (written in uppercase) is used as a symbol for inductance. If you mean the letter I (uppercase i), that refers to current.

What type of computer keyboard cover is the best?

The best type of computer keyboard cover is the UPPERCASE Ultra Thin. You can purchase this keyboard cover online from retailers such as Amazon. Once on the website, type "Uppercase ultra thin" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the item.

Would a in what a bagel be an uppercase letter?


What is the name of the uppercase symbol left of the exclamation point on a keyboard?

Do you mean this: ~ It's called a tilde.

What is the uppercase letter that has a hexadecimal value if 41?