

What is Vegetarian diets consumed with?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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"What are vegetariandiets consumed with?"

Vegetarian diets consist of 2 major forms: Vegan and non-vegan.

Vegan diets involve eating anything that doesn't involve hurting/harming any animals. There are some vegans who do eat honey (an animal product) and bee pollen (not an animal product but collected by bees first which is then taken by humans).

Non-vegan vegetarian diets consist of usually eating anything while excluding flesh. So eggs and milk would be ok, but meats would not be. There are also lesser forms of vegetarian diets, ones where fish is ok or poultry is ok but not mammals.

As far as a nutritional perspective, people who are vegetarians tend to be more aware of their dietary needs. As with people who consume flesh, a well balanced diet is obtained by taking in appropriate amounts of nutrition. The advantage that vegetarians have over flesh eaters is that flesh is high is toxic ingredients and low in nutrients while vegetarian fare is the opposite. As with most diets, the simplest way to obtain a fair amount of nutrition is to take supplements (multi-vitamins, minerals and proteins). Supplements help but cannot substitute for a proper diet.

You question is somewhat poorly posed, so I hope this answers it sufficiently.

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You can find information on vegetarian diets online and at your local library. Sites such as about will give you all the information you need to start a vegetarian diet.

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Some vegetarian diets include the Vegan diet. I believe they eat special types of food and no meat as vegetarians do. You can also find more on the computer.

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Yes there are in fact some diet plans for vegetarians. They are special diets catered to vegetarians and there are some popular diets you can edit to work for a vegetarian.

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The term vegetarian was coined in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain, but vegetarianism has been around as long as people have created diets.

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Some of the most popular diets out there has to be the zone and Atkins diet were carbohydrates are and the vegetarian and vegan diets were no animal products are allowed for consumption.

What are examples of healthy?

Healthy diets are simply diets that contain all the basic food classes in the right proportion,such as protein,fats,carbohydrates,etc.Healthy diets are that will keep you in good health.Actually there are diets that when consumed,weight is gained and there are those when consumed,excess weight is lost,thereby keeping a healthy a shape.

Are all lacto-ovo vegetarian diets equal?

No, you can be a lacto-ovo vegetarian and still eat unbalanced and unhealthy! Or you can eat balanced and healthy!

Where can I find a good vegetarian diet?

The mayoclinic has great ideas for starting your change in diet to vegetarian. Also the NHS pages have quick guides to meals for both vegetarian and vegan diets.

Is it healthy being vegetarian?

Yes, if done right--it is healthier than carnivorous diets.