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Signature 1: Atomic Drop

Signature 2: Monkey Flip

Finisher 1: Spear

Finisher 2 : Hot Body (Cross Body From Second Rope)

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Q: What is WWE Tiffany signatures and finishers?
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What can you create on Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

You can create: WWE Storyline finishers signatures people tag teams and entrences

What are all WWE superstars signature moves?

its complicated the signatures dont hurt as much as the finishers hurt examples last ride < tombstone rock bottom> peoples elbow

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Signature: Litasault Finisher: DDT

Where do WWE Wrestlers get their finishers from?

They Make It Up

What are umaga's finishers in WWE?

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How do you get finishers in royal rumble WWE 2010?

it is impossible idiot

Is the finishers real?

by Jeremiah the wwe finishers are real bu t my dad thinks it fake.even Randy Orton finisher the RKO

In WWE do the superstars name their finishers or can the WWE board name them?

the Board of WWE is for the day to day running of the Corpoate office, they don't have anything to do with making matches, naming moves or finishers. They are there for legal reasons and to be sure the business is run correctly.

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How do you steal a finisher in WWE 09?

I dont fink u can steal finishers

How do wwe wrestlers come up with such cool finishers?

choreographers that are lent out to them by the ballet.

What are WWE The Rock's moves?

The Rock's finishers are the People's Elbow and the Rock Bottom.