

What is XOR in a c program?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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a XOR b is a^b in C language

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Q: What is XOR in a c program?
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a=a^b; b=a^b; a=a^b;

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a := a XOR b b := a XOR b a := a XOR b it works, but never use it in real programs do you know why its not used in real program??

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asdfghjkl;' s-sum and c'-carry see for half adder s=a(xor)b and c'=ab for full adder s=a(xor)b(xor)c and c=ab+bc+ac or ab+c(a(xor)b) we can convert two half adder to full adder with help of and or gate. . . ! we got two half adder * for first half adder input is a and b therefore. . .s=a(xor)b and c'=ab * for second half adder input is a(xor)b and c therefore. . .s=a(xor)b(xor)c and c' is (a(xor)b)c note: now connect the c' of first half adder and second half adder to 'or' gate resulting is ab+c(a(xor)b)

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entirely different thingsconditional operator: ? : logical operators:AND: && OR: NOT: !also you can count XOR: != eg:if ((a==3) != (b==c)) printf ("XOR: Exactly one of the two conditions is true\n");

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They perform bitwise operations like AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^) and NOT (~).

How can you represent XOR function symbol in word?


How do you represent assignment by bitwise XOR operator?

The bitwise XOR operator is ^, or shift 6. The bitwise XOR assignment operator is ^=.

When xor and or operation are same exmple A or B or C equals A xor B xor C?

Check the following table: a b c a+b+c a^b^c 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 1 1 = 0 1 0 1 1 = 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 = So they are equal if the number of ones between a, b, and c is zero or an odd number.

How can you write a program to convert binary code to gray code using 8085 microprocessor?

It can be implemented very easily .... Suppose the Binary word is X7X6X5.... X0 then the corresponding Gray code is G7G6G5....G0 where G7=X7 G6=X7 XOR X6 G5=X6 XOR X5 ..... G0=X1 XOR X0 Now implement the above algorithm

What is Full Adder made of?

full adder is made of x-or gates and gates and can also be made of two half adders and one or gate.full adder consists of 3 inputs lines and 2 output lines which can be named as sum(s) and carry(c).it is a combinational circuit. s= a xor b xor c(if inputs are named as a ,b,c) c=ab+bc+ca

Is xor gate is derived gate?

yes... xor is derived gate from primary gates