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What is a balanced composition in art?

To picture balance, think about putting two forms from a painting onto a scale. Two forms will balance if they have the same visual weight. A painting where every piece is balanced by another has a balanced composition.

Look at Flagellation of Christ by Piero della Francesca. This painting is a primary example of .?

Balanced composition.

This painting demonstrates Giotto's innovative use of?

A balanced composition to draw the eye of the viewer.

Why did the painting by Titian altered the traditional approach to painting the Madonna?

Placed her away from the center of the composition

Why is random assignment important?

Groups have equal and balanced composition

What is imaginative composition?

an imaginative composition is to form a mental image of something arranged in a pleasing and balanced way.

What is a closed composition?

closed composition is where all objects fit edges of painting, it gives an impression of it being finished

Look at da Vinci's Mona Lisa. This painting demonstrates his use of which painting technique?


What is the definition of imaginative composition?

this is drawing or painting of a scene that comes to mind

What has the author John Burnet written?

John Burnet has written: 'A practical treatise on painting in three parts' -- subject- s -: Chiaroscuro, Color, Composition - Art -, Painting, Study and teaching 'An essay on the education of the eye with reference to painting' -- subject- s -: Painting, Study and teaching 'Practical hints on composition in painting' -- subject- s -: Painting, Study and teaching 'Turner and his works' 'Practical hints on portrait painting' -- subject- s -: Portrait painting

What is the composition of the art?

Composition is the term used for the arrangements of the elements in or the subject matter of a painting The arrangement of elements in a work of art

What has the author Michel Jacobs written?

Michel Jacobs has written: 'The art of composition' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Composition (Art) 'Epigramus of an ignoramus' -- subject(s): Artists, Correspondence, reminiscences 'Colour in landscape painting' -- subject(s): Color, Landscape painting 'Portrait painting' -- subject(s): Portrait painting