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It is gerrymandering.

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Q: What is a District drawn to the advantage of the political party in control of a state legislature?
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Why do politicians gerrymander electoral districts?

Politicians gerrymander electoral districts to gain a political advantage. By manipulating the boundaries of the districts, politicians can concentrate the voting power of a particular group or dilute the power of opposing groups. This allows them to solidify their political control and increase the likelihood of winning elections.

Why does the executive check the legislature?

The Executive has the ability to veto bills brought to them by the Legislature. This is the most immediate means. His relationship with a political party also provides some control. But they can override him if they can get a 2/3rds majority to agree to something.

What motivated imperialist to seek possession or control of colonies?

they wanted to extend their political control over weaker nations

What motivated imperialist to seek possessions or control colonies?

they wanted to gain an advantage in the competition for global resources.

Why do the people consider the practice gerrymandering unfair?

The only people who consider the practice unfair is the political party that is adversely affected by gerrymandering. If the governor and the state legislature is in the control of either the Republican or Democrat party, then the minority is going to suffer politically since the party in power has the legal right to redraw the congressional districts to their advantage.

How did political machines control cities during the Gilded Age?

Political machines controlled the activities of political parties in the city. Ward bosses, precinct captains, and the city boss worked to ensure that their candidates were elected and that city government worked to their advantage.

In what ways has the redistricting of house seats been used for political gain of certain groups and parties in the various states?

Redistricting the House seats has been used for the political gain of certain groups and parties in various states because it concentrates the opposition's voters in one or a few districts thus leaving the other districts comfortably safe OR it can spread the opposition as thinly as possible among several districts. This process is also known as gerrymandering. Whomever is in control is most likely to win the district, this would be the gain of power within the district.

What are majority factions?

Where they control more than 50% of the legislature. For more information, refer to the Federalist 10 Paper by James Madison.

How can the legislature exert control over the Supreme Court?

by government\

How did the district commissioner trick the ibo men?

The district commissioner tricked the Ibo men by taking advantage of their cultural beliefs and customs. He manipulated them by pretending to be sympathetic towards their traditions while secretly planning to exploit and control them for his own gain.

What is a word beginning with p for political control?

Power results in political control.

In Texas why is a governors post adjournment veto so powerful?

Although the writers of the Texas Constitution back in the 1870s placed the majority of political power in the hands of the Legislature, they also gave the governor an effective tool to control public policy - the power to veto bills after the Legislature adjourns. Unless the governor vetoes a bill while the Legislature is in session, we have no opportunity to override the veto. That is why it is so powerful.