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Target Organ

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Q: What is a Specific structure that responds to a particular hormone?
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What recognize a hormone's chemical structure?

A target cell is a cell in the body that recognizes a hormone's chemical structure. It is a cell to which a hormone binds chemically.

What recognizes a hormone's chemical structure?

A target cell is a cell in the body that recognizes a hormone's chemical structure. It is a cell to which a hormone binds chemically.

Choose one endocrine gland how does it work?

target tissue and it produces the hormone which it responds

What recognizes a hormone's chemical structure in the endocrine system?

Hormone receptors on cell membranes recognize a hormone's chemical structure in the endocrine system. When the hormone binds to the receptor, a cell changes its behavior.

How many ring structure can be found in the molecular structure of a hormone?

Steroid hormone usually contain five ring structures.

What hormone that responds to natural light and plays arole in sleep?

a.insulin b.melatonin c.Glucagon d.thyroid answer : B. melatonin

What structure functions as a digestive organ and also produces a hormone?

That is the stomach. It produces the hormone gastrin

What Hormone responds to high levels of calcium in the blood?

Its Calcitonin , which responds to increase in serum calcium level...But on the other hand Parathhormone increases the serum calcium level....Dr Sindura C.S

What type of structure would a hormone's target posses that other non-target organs would not?

Receptors for that hormone

A male sex hormone is produced within?

Structure A. Testis

How does hormone therapy treat cancer?

Hormone therapy is standard treatment for some types of cancers that are hormone-dependent and grow faster in the presence of particular hormones.