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Q: What is a UK vermouth measure?
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What is the definition of vermouth?

whats the meaning of "vermouth"

What is Vermouth sauce?

Vermouth sauce is generally a reduction of dry vermouth with chicken stock and herbs. If you have made a roast chicken for example, you can use the vermouth to deglaze the roasting pan.

What kind of vermouth goes in a Manhattan?

Sweet vermouth (the other kind, dry vermouth, goes into regular gin and vodka martinis).

What ingredient is used to make a cocktail dry?

Dry Vermouth. Dry Vermouth is an aromatized wine meaning that the wine has been flavored with herbs and or bark. Vermouth is a popular ingredient in mixed drinks especially Martinis. Vermouth comes in two varieties both dry and sweet. The dry variety is generally white in color and the sweet, red.

Is vermouth a drug?

Vermouth is a white wine. It is a drug, in the sense that it can induce unconsciousness.

When was Gil Vermouth born?

Gil Vermouth was born on 1985-08-05.

Can vermouth be used in place of red wine?

A dry white can be used in place of vermouth.

How many calories are in dry vermouth?

There are about 157 calories in 3.5fl oz of dry vermouth.

How many calories in 1 ounce of sweet vermouth?

One ounce of sweet vermouth contains approximately 45 calories.

How many Weight Watchers points is dry vermouth?

6 oz of dry vermouth is 4 points.

Does sweet vermouth go bad?

Dry vermouth will last longer if it is refrigerated. Vermouth is a wine (lower in alcohol than port). The flavour tends to change within a few months. It is also available in half bottles or mini bottles in some places. These are better unless you are using a lot of vermouth.

What do you substitute for vermouth?

NOTHING! Vermouth is one of the most unique and astringent drinks around. There's nothing like it.