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Q: What is a a type of secretion in which cells become packed with secretions and then burst apart and die?
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How is the particles in gas packed?

far apart and randomly arranged

What phase has tightly packed particles?

The phase when the particles are most closely packed together is the solid form. liquid is farther apart, and gases are even farther.

How an particles in a block of wood arranged?

a.closely packed together b.far apart c. very far apart d. very very far apart

What are low density floats?

low density~ being spread apart density~ being packed together

Are the particles of gas are packed tightly together?

No, they are not packed tightly together. The particles in solids are. In gas, they move in random motion and are the furthest apart, compared to solids and liquids. Hope this helps :)

Are the particles of gas packed tightly together?

No, they are not packed tightly together. The particles in solids are. In gas, they move in random motion and are the furthest apart, compared to solids and liquids. Hope this helps :)

What is the difference between soiled and liquid?

i assume you mean solid. Solid particles are closer packed together, where liquid particles are less closely packed together. Solids, apart from rice and sand, cannot be poured and apart from sponge cannot be squeezed. Liquids can be poured but are not easily compressed

Which is measure of how closely particles are packed together?

The measurement of how closely particles are packed together is usually by state of matter. Gasses are measured as have particles that are further apart than liquids or solids for example.

A conveyor belt carries filled bottles of milk to be packed The bottles are placed five feet apart on the belt If the belt is moving at a rate of two feet per second how many bottles will be packed?

24 bottles

What are the areas of a sound wave where the molecules in the medium are packed closer together?

Type your answer here... this is called a compression, and when they are spread apart it is called a rarefaction

Are molecules in liquids packed loosely or tightly?

Usually a liquid, but some solids, like ice, have the molecules more spread apart, making it less dense than the liquid. If, by "loosely packed," you mean being able to slide past each other, then the liquid is always the answer.

What colony did providence become apart of?

Rhode Island