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37mph is the average speed of north Savannah giraffe.

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Q: What is a average speed for a giraffe?
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Related questions

What is the average speed and height of a fully grown giraffe?

the average height is 15 ft. tall, and the average speed is about 32 mph.

How big is an average giraffe?

A giraffe average size is 14-19 ft

What is the top speed of a giraffe?

A giraffe, when running at full speed, can reach speeds of roughly 55 km/h. (About 34mph) Although, they will usually only run at this speed when being chased.

How tall are Giraffes when older?

the average giraffe neck is about 10 feet long. the average giraffe body is about 5 feet long. the average giraffe legs are about 15 feet long. together, that's an average of about 30 feet long.

How many spots do giraffe's have?

Giraffes are reticulated not spotted.

How long is the average giraffe tongue?

It is about a foot long. Answer: It is also purple and very slimy with giraffe saliva.18 inches

What is the average length of a giraffe's tongue?

19 In. 5.

How much does a lap giraffe cost?

$17,000 on average.

What is a life span of a giraffe?

A wild giraffe's average lifespan is 20-25 years, whereas, in captivity, they can live as long as 28 years.The giraffe has a 25 year lifespan in wild. They live so long because of their height. The giraffe is the world's tallest mammal.

What is the height of giraffe?

The height of a giraffe is about 4.3-5.2 meters on average or 14-17 feet. The tallest ever giraffe was a male and it was 20 feet!

How heavy does a giraffe weight?

Their average weight is 1,200 kilograms

How many miles does a giraffe run on average?

11... million