

What is a bounced sound wave called?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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Echo..... Yes most certainly an echo.

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Q: What is a bounced sound wave called?
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A bounced sound wave is called an?

It is called an echo.

What is it called when there is a bounced sound wave?


A bounced sound wave is called?

A bounced sound wave is acalled an echo. You can hear these echos when you yell into a cave or a crevasse or an abyss.

Is an echo is an example of sound wave?

An echo is a sound wave that has bounced off a surface

A sound that is repeated because the sound wave reflected or bounced back from a distant object?


What is the top of a sound wave called?

the top of a sound wave is a crest

What are the sound wave forms?

The waves in which sound appears is called wave form of sound.

What is a sound wave of a high pressure called?

A sound wave with high sound pressure (amplitude) or high sound particle displacement (amplitude) is a sound wave that has a high loudness.

How is an echo made?

Sound is a wave that travels through air and an echo usually occurs when you are surrounded by walls or in a tunnel of some sort. The sound wave that comes back to you has already hit the wall and bounced back so you can hear it again.

What is it called when a sound wave is stretched out?

A stretched-out area of a wave is called a rarefaction.

What are the objects called that allow sound to travel through them?

Sound is a pressure wave. Objects that "allow" sound to travel through them could be called wave guides.

Area of a sound wave where particles are less dense?

The area of a sound wave where particles are less dense is called a rarefaction. It is the diminution in the density of a sound wave.