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try monster ranch. there quite good.

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Q: What is a browser based web games like Pokemon?
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What are web based games?

Game on the Intarwebz Browsar (Games on the Internet Browser, like IE and Firefox.)

Are there any other games like aqworlds?

Do you mean browser based games? Free games? RPGs? Other browser based games are: Crystal Saga, Runescape, DD Tank, to name a few. Here's a huge list from an MMO website: Here's a slightly larger more comprehensive list from the same site: mmohut is a cool site where they describe a game, give screenshots, rate the games, and discuss the pros and cons each game has to offer.

In Pokemon ranger guardian signs can i trade Pokemon in browser?

No, I don't think you can. Sorry! Try Pokemon sites like if you want to know where to catch all the Pokemon.

Are there any fun online free games like Pokemon crater that are fun and will work with a slow computer?

yes, you can try Pokemon indigo You can play Pokemon Vortex, it is a fun and addicted game, and it also good for slow computers, but I recommend Google Chrome as a browser.

Are there any League of Legend like browser based games?

There is at least one (that I am aware of). It is called Adventure Time: Battle Party and it is released by the Cartoon Network. You can find it by clicking this link.

Can Pokemon Blue trade with Pokemon Sapphire?

NO, unfortunately Pokemon blue, red and yellow are all first generation Pokemon games and Pokemon sapphire is third generation. You can trade Pokemon from blue to games like gold and silver, but not games like firered and sapphire.

Are there any DS games like Pokemon but ones you can personalise more?

the final fantasy series probably has what your looking for with its turn based gameplay.

Are there any knight games like adventure quest?

DRagon fable, Adventure Quest Worlds, rune Scape, Kingdom of Loathing(not really, it is a browser based rpg), and(going out on a limb)MechQuest

Is there any other games like creature breeder?

There are lots of browser-based creature breeding games. :D Here are some good ones: <---- I am Snowpuddles (#8697) on this one.

Pokemon ranger shadows of almia what are the browser Pokemon?

what the hell are you asking the browser Pokemon ar epokemon you see and capture and they are updated there its liek a pokedex its kinda a stupid questionLook buddy don't be mean to the dude just cuz he asked tht question kay? Well the browser Pokemon are all the Pokemon including legendarys that you capture in Almia. when you capture them they are stored on your browser. if you don't capture them their Pokemon number just has a ??? sign by it. that means you didn't catch it. Some Pokemon you can only get on quests, then after you complete the quest the Pokemon will be in the spot where you found him forever. Some Pokemon numbers only show up when you complete all the quests. after you catch celibie for Ollie in the end then other Pokemon numbers get opened. It is like a pokedex. If you want ALL the names of the browser Pokemon then I can't tell you cuse there is over 200 Pokemon on that browser and that's ALOT of typing. Hope that helped~Gracygoo

Free online Pokemon games like Pokemon-crater?

Try Pokemon indigo

Are there any new browser games?

i personally like this game