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It is a stone that goes at the end of the airline that the bubbles comes out of. It goes into the top hole of the box filter... When the bubbles comes out of that hole, it creates a current so the water will go through the filter.

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Q: What is a bubble stone when referring to a fish filter?
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What does it mean if the top of your fish tank filter is making bubbles?

it means that your sucking air from the bubble stone or curtain or what ever bubbling airation you might have if it is a bubble curtain that spans the entire tank buy a shorter one and place it down from the filter if it is a stone relocate it to the other corner or away from the filter

Do you need to put bubble to your new born fish?

Bubbles do virtually nothing for your tank or your water quality. If you attach the outlet to a filter instead of an air stone your water quality will improve and your fish will benefit.

You have plants air stone and filter in my fish tank why is my fish is hanging at the surface?

Cause its dead

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A bubble eyed gold fish is a fish

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What does fish sound like?

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Can a bubble wall be too vigorous for your fish?

Yes, a bubble wall can overpower some fish.

Why does your neon fish have a bubble on his mouth?

the bubble is to help it breathe

What type of fish can survive without an aquarium?

You should have either a bubble wand, or an air stone in a fish tank as this adds more oxygen to the water; this should not be confused with adding a filter to a tank, as that is a separate, but also a needed piece of equipment.

Do you have to have a filter with fish with puffy eyes?

Filter a fish? Do you mean filtering a fish's tank? Well you have to filter any fish's tank.

Do neon fish need air filters?

Neon fish commonly called neon tetras need both a filter and either an air wand or an air stone; they are not the same thing.A filter filters the water for things like ammonia and nitrites for example, and an air wand or stone is what creates bubbles to add more oxygen to the water

What is more deadly a stone fish or iro kanji?

stone fish