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Q: What is a colorless fluid from the body's tissues that carries white blood cells collects and transports to the lymph nodes for destruction and carries fats from the digestive system?
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I may be a little off but they are filter feeders. The cilia transports the water then the mucus collects the food and finally the cilia transports that to the GI tract. Hope that helps

Lymphatic system function?

The lymphatic system has 4 main functions. It transports dendritic cells, white blood cells, and fatty acids. It also removes interstitial fluid from tissues.

Which body system and its organs are incorrectly matched?

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What lymphatic duct absorbs fat from the digestive system?

The cisterna chyli collects lymph from the two lumbar trunks which drain the lower limbs and it collects lymph from the intestinal trunk which drains the digestive organs. So, yes it receives lymph drainage from the digestive organs. It is mainly responsible for"white-fat" drainage, as the name implies. Most people are unaware that the lymphatic system is what moves the fats around in your body.

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What is bronchiectasis?

In bronchiectasis, the diameter of the bronchi is unusually large. Examination of the walls of the bronchial tubes reveals destruction of the normal structural elements, with replacement by scar tissue. Pus collects within the bronchi and.

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No, the gall bladder holds digestive enzymes, and the bladder in the urinary tract collects urine made by the kidneys. Two different organs.

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The distillate