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We packed the car and ran away before the tornado came.

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Q: What is a complex sentence about tornadoes?
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Related questions

Is there such a complex-complex sentence?

no, a complex-complex sentence is just a complex sentence. there is no such thing as a complex-complex sentence.

How do you use tornadoes in a sentence?

Example sentence: This April Alabama was devastated by a series of powerful tornadoes.

What is compound complex?

A compound complex sentence is when you combind a compound sentence and a complex sentence.

How are tornadoes controlled?

Tornadoes are not controlled. Tornadoes are influenced by temperature, humidity, wind, and air pressure, wind interact in complex ways.

Why did the devil make tornadoes exist?

The devil did not create tornadoes. Tornadoes form from complex interactions in the atmosphere, not any supernatural entity.

What are the nouns in this sentence Tornadoes are wicked storms?

The nouns are "tornadoes" and "storms"

What kind of sentence is complex?

A complex sentence has a dependent clause and a compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses.

Use Complex in a sentence?

This complex sentence is hard to diagram. A description of a mental disorder could be characterized as a complex sentence.

Is the sentence I ate my entire dinner even though I don't care for pizza. a simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence or a compound-complex sentence?


What is the proper noun in this sentence Tornadoes are wicked storms?

There is no proper noun. Both nouns in the sentence ("tornadoes" and "storms") are common nouns.

How do I make a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is a sentence consisting of an independent clause and a subordinating clause.

What are the difference between a Compound and Complex Sentence?

The difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence is that a compound sentence has two independent clauses, connected by a Coordinator. A complex sentence on contains one independent clause. A complex sentence also always contains a subordinator.