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Q: What is a concrete object representing an abstract concept?
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Can abstract class have constructors?

A constructor of a class in invoked when a object of that class is created. As an abstract class can't have an object, so we can't create a constructor of the abstract class. But we can create a constructor of a concrete subclass of that abstract class and we have to pass the object of that concrete subclass to the abstract class.

What is an abstract class Write the syntax Declare a pure virtual function in an abstract class?

an abstract class is nothing but class which contains both abstract and concrete methods for abstract class we r nt create object Syntax for pure abstract class is abstract class x { public void abstract y(); public void abstract z(); public void abc() { }

What is true about true about abstract data type Object of an abstract class type cant be created. We can derive classes from these abstract classes Object of an abstract class t?

True - an instance of an abstract class cannot be created. False - derive (subclass) from a class, not the object (the instance).

What is an abstract factory pattern?

An abstract factory pattern is a creational design pattern which decouples the object creation by providing a group of individual factories by defining an abstract factory class.

What is abstraction in visual basic?

The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure the programs that are to use compound data objects so that they operate on ``abstract data.'' That is, our programs should use data in such a way as to make no assumptions about the data that are not strictly necessary for performing the task at hand. At the same time, a ``concrete'' data representation is defined independent of the programs that use the data. The interface between these two parts of our system will be a set of procedures, called selectorsand constructors, that implement the abstract data in terms of the concrete representation. To illustrate this technique, we will consider how to design a set of procedures for manipulating rational numbers.bimzz

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Is blog a abstract or concrete noun?

"Blog" is typically considered an abstract noun because it represents a concept or idea rather than a physical object.

Is grammar an abstract noun?

Yes, grammar is an abstract noun. It is a concept or idea rather than a concrete or tangible object.

What is the abstract of leaf?

There is no abstract noun form of the concrete noun leaf, a word for a physical object.

Using the abstract and concrete noun?

Both abstract and concrete nouns function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.EXAMPLESJack ate his sandwich. (concrete noun subject 'Jack'; concrete noun direct object 'sandwich')Your idea was a big help. (abstract noun subject 'idea'; abstract noun direct object 'help')The flowers will bloom when spring arrives. (concrete noun, subject of the sentence 'flowers'; abstract noun, subject of dependent clause 'spring')

Is the noun system a concrete or abstract noun?

System is an abstraction. It is a relationship between things, rather than a concrete object.

Is shirt an abstract or a concrete noun?

The noun 'shirt' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical object.

Is a book an example of an abstract concept?

The noun 'book' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical thing.The abstract noun form of the verb 'to book' is the gerund booking, a word for the process of arranging accommodation for an event, travel, jail, etc. A word for a concept

Is dictionary a concrete noun or abstract noun?

The noun 'dictionary' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical object.

What is it called when an author uses a concrete object to represent an idea or emotion?

That literary technique is called symbolism. Symbolism involves using an object to represent a deeper and often abstract concept, adding layers of meaning to a text.

Why is pi not edible?

Because it is a number, which is an abstract concept not a material object!

Is temptation an abstract noun?

Yes. It represents a process of thought, not a concrete object.