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Q: What is a condition in which less and less alcohol causes intoxication called?
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A condition in which less and less alcohol causes intoxication?

Reverse tolerance

What is the drug in wine and beer that causes intoxication?

Alcohol, specifically, ethanol (C2H5OH)

What disease causes slured or loss of speech and loss of motor skills for 24 hours?

alcohol intoxication

What does low eosinophiles mean?

There are a couple different causes to a low eosinophil reading. This can be caused by alcohol intoxication or an over production of certain steroids.

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Heroin intoxication.

Does intoxication cause core body temperature to increase?

Alcohol causes core body temperature to decrease. However, flushing caused by alcohol may make someone think they are getting warmer rather than colder.

The toxic chemical by-product of alcohol metabolism that causes nausea and vomiting is called?

The toxic chemical byproduct of alcohol metabolism that causes nausea and vomiting is called ?

What is the condition which causes part of the brain not to form?

A condition which causes part of the brain not to form is called anencephaly.

What is the bad causes of drinking a lot of water?

Water Intoxication

How do people act when drinking?

People can easily become intoxicated when consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol affects each person differently but there are general guidelines as too how many drinks causes one's blood-alcohol level to be too high to operate a vehicle. Drinking on an empty stomach or drinking quickly can cause intoxication rapidly.

Prolonged inactivity causes muscles to shrink in mass a condition called?

Disuse Atrophy

What causes dark urine and head shaking in dogs?

My first thought would be salt intoxication due to dehydration, although other causes such as intoxication or meningitis should also be considered. You should take your dog to a veterinarian for an examination, as this could be serious.