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Q: What is a conical projection and what does it distort?
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What is the interrupted map projection used for?

Goode's Interrupted Projection is a projection whose purpose is to make the world appear on a flat surface as accurately as possible. Compared with other projections, it does not distort the sizes or shapes of continents. However, because it is made of segments, it makes it difficult to use the map for measuring directions or distances across oceans.

How do you show earth's curved surface on a flat map?

A means of showing a curved surfaces o a flat map is called a projection. Each type of projection distorts the appearance of Earth's features in a different way. For example, some projections distort distance, while others distort directions between two points.

What is a conical projection map?

a paper cone is placed on a globe like a hat, tangent to it at some parallel, and a point source of light at the center of the globe projects the surface features onto the cone.

How do you use conical in a sentence?

conical is an adjectiveso, for example: "It had a conical shape"

Are the shapes and sizes of the continents or the waterways shown more accurately on the Robinson projection map?

The Robinson projection map shows the shapes of the continents more accurately than the Mercator projection map, but both distort the sizes of landmasses, making areas near the poles appear larger than they are. Waterways and continents are more accurately depicted in size and shape on specialized maps like the Winkel Tripel projection, which aims to balance size and shape distortions.

When would you use a conical projection map?

Because they have a high degree of accuracy for limited areas

What type of projection conical or cylindrical would show least distortion of central Africa?

Cylindrical , providing the cylinder axis is co-linear with the N/S polar axial line through the centre of the Earth.

How does a cartographer determine which map projection to use?

They have many problems with distortions. On some of the maps, the continents are not the correct size and shape. Also, the distances are incorrect on some of them.