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i like trckshotting and getting feeds in Call of Duty

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Q: What is a cool xbox gamertag if you like sniping or smg's?
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In borderlands does the company atlas make smgs?

No. Atlas corp doesn't make SMGs or Rocket Launchers.

How do you get Akimbo guns on Saints Row 3?

In the phone book, under upgrades, there is a Dual Wield upgrade for Pistols and SMGs.

What is a nonblowback airsoft gun?

blowback is when the bolt of the rifle, ( the thing that pushes the ball out of the barrel and at your opponent or target) blows back, or the slide on the pistol goes back, after every shot. usually its gas or electric guns, never spring action guns. non-blowback does not have this feature, without it it is much less realistic, and less cool. but when using rifles or SMGs, it doesn't exactly matter. but it does make it look cool.

How Many Weapons are there in Tomb Raider I?

4 Pistols Shotgun Magnums or in anniversary 50 caliber pistols and Uzis or Mini SMGS

How Many Weapons are there in Tomb Raider?

4 Pistols Shotgun Magnums or in anniversary 50 caliber pistols and Uzis or Mini SMGS

What is the best hand machine gun in mw2?

the G18 The G18 is a machine pistol, not a machine gun. Which category do you mean : LMGs, SMGs

What SMG guns do not have much kickback?

Ones made in a very small caliber. There have been SMGs made in .22 LR, and FN 5.7mm

Is the diamond camofladge real in bo?

yes it is you unlock it after you unlock gold for a gun category like snipers or smgs or lmgs or pistols or anything u just have to get all of the guns in a class gold to get diamond camo in black ops 2.

How do you get 3 SMGs on halo 3?

first of all you need three smg on the floor plus you holding a magnum, pick up 1 smg for the secondary weapon go bak to your first weapon (pistol) then duelwield the pistol with the smg, then change the pistol with the other smg on the floor then done u have 3 smgs hope this help :P

Call of duty 4 what level do you unlock the skorpion?

Some weapons you start off with, in the smgs its mp5 and skorpion i strongly advise using the mp5

How do you get camouflage in call of duty black ops 2?

with assault rifle, lmgs, smgs must be with headshots and shotguns, snipers must be with normal kills

What are all the primary weapons in mw2 in order from worst to best?

This question is a matter of opinion. For me personally, I believe the ACR, AK47, and TAR-21 are the best assault rifles in the game. I don't use LMGs because of the high recoil, as well as the fact that they slow you down when moving around. I do however use SMGs in my rushing classes, which include UMP45 and P90, which are both two of the best SMGs.