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It is known as sovereignty, which means that the country, or State as it is also called, has rights that are not given to parties outside its borders. This implies that a country, (state) has the final say and control over what happens inside of itself.

To try and use an example of the United States and its Constitutional Republic:

From the Declaration of Independence through the Articles of Confederation and then the Constitution You are the sovereign controller of your body, from there if you own a piece of land you have 'sovereign' authority over that land. Then the group of land owners that make up a town have 'sovereign' control over the town to which they agree to give a piece of their control temporarily over to people that will handle the everyday business of the town. As well do the land owners of the City. All the land owners of the town's and cities that make up the State have sovereign control over that and temporarily give up a portion of that power to a group of people to do the day to day affairs of the state.

Now in America's case the 50 countries (states) together decided to give up certain rights, temporarily, to a group of people (federal government) to protect the entire 50 states from outside intrusion (enemies), to work on foreign trade as a whole, which gives the individual states more bargaining power and as well to guarantee free and unobstructed trade and travel between the individual states, (countries) of the United States.

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2d ago

A country's freedom from outside control is known as sovereignty. It means that a nation has the authority to govern itself without interference from external entities. Sovereignty is a fundamental principle of international relations and is regarded as a key aspect of a country's independence.

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In what English colony did those who believed that freedom entailed being independent from control by another person or institution and free from political oppression along with not working for someon?

Those who believed in individual freedom and independence from control often settled in the English colony of Plymouth, which later became part of Massachusetts. Here, they sought to create a society based on principles of self-governance and religious freedom, where individuals could live and work for themselves without being subjected to excessive outside influence.

What do the 4 fundamental freedoms mean of Canada?

The four fundamental freedoms in Canada are freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association. These freedoms are protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and are essential to maintaining a democratic society where individuals can express themselves, practice their religion, gather peacefully, and form groups or organizations.

Which country is the most freedom?

The concept of freedom is subjective and can be measured in different ways. Various organizations produce indices that rank countries based on different aspects of freedom, such as political rights and civil liberties. Some countries often ranked high in terms of freedom include Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.

What is the definition of political freedom?

Political freedom refers to the ability of individuals to participate in the decision-making processes of their society without interference or coercion. It encompasses the rights to free speech, assembly, and association, as well as the right to vote and seek public office. Political freedom is a fundamental aspect of democratic societies.

What is one of the charter rights and freedoms for my social assignment?

One charter right and freedom you can consider for your social assignment is the right to freedom of expression. This includes the freedom to express your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions through speech, writing, and other forms of communication without censorship or interference. It is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

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