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Q: What is a culture plate used for?
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When is a starch agar plate used?

Agar is used to culture bacteria for scientific research.

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What is standard methods agar plates used for?

Agar plate method is used to culture bacteria in lab .

What is difference between a lawn culture and streak plate?

Alsalam alkom There is a difference between the two term (lawn culture and streak culture), if you used a loop for making new culture from primary culture you called that streaking method (like ABC streaking method), while if you used swab and streaked almost all the plate then, you can say (lawn culture).. In conclusion to the above 1- streaking is used to purify the bacterial culture (i.e to make well isolated colony) 2- lawn culture is used for antibiotic sensitivity tests Ali Maki .

Who developed the culture plate method of identify pathogens?

Rober Kock developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens.

Why restreak isolated colony?

The isolated colonies for the new plate can be used to compare with the isolated colonies on the old plate. If the morphologies are the same, it can be assumed that pure culture is obtained.

Who was the first to developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens?

Rober Kock developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens.

Why obtain pure culture of bacteria from a mixed culture?

i obtain pure culture of bacteria from a mixed culture for obtain pure one bacterial culture

What color tube for throat culture?

what color tube is throat culture and what media plate

What is the technique you used in purify the bacterial culture on a plate?

Selective media, combined with quadrant streaking to dilute the sample into individual colonies.

When performing a streak plate culture in what direction should one rotate the nutrient plate?


How is a fungal culture performed?

A culture is done only when specific identification of the mold or yeast is necessary. The specimen is spread on a culture plate designed to grow fungi, then incubated. Several different biochemical tests and stains are used to identify molds and yeasts.