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Alsalam alkom

There is a difference between the two term (lawn culture and streak culture), if you used a loop for making new culture from primary culture you called that streaking method (like ABC streaking method), while if you used swab and streaked almost all the plate then, you can say (lawn culture)..

In conclusion to the above

1- streaking is used to purify the bacterial culture (i.e to make well isolated colony)

2- lawn culture is used for antibiotic sensitivity tests

Ali Maki .

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11y ago
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1mo ago

A lawn culture involves spreading a bacterial sample evenly across the entire surface of an agar plate, allowing for the growth of colonies to merge together, forming a continuous "lawn" of bacterial growth. A streak plate involves using an inoculating loop to streak the sample back and forth across the surface of the agar in order to isolate individual bacterial colonies for observation.

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10y ago

They are both the same thing. I think you may be asking about a slide culture and a lawn culture (streak plate). Their methods differ.

Slide culture

  • No rupturing of structure
  • Directly remove coverslip and place it on a staning dye

Lawn culture

  • May cause rupturing of structure when you remove fungi structures from the agar plate (using tape)
  • Have to place it on the glass slide with a staining dye
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Q: What is difference between a lawn culture and streak plate?
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If an inoculated plate had colonies between the streak lines what would you conclude?

Colonies between streak lines may indicate over-inoculation or contamination during streaking. It could also be a result of uneven streaking technique. It is important to carefully assess the plate to determine the cause and take steps to prevent it in the future.

What type of culture technique would be used to obtain a pure culture?

To obtain a pure culture, a technique called streak plate method is commonly used. This technique involves streaking a sample on an agar plate in a way that isolates individual colonies, allowing for the growth of pure cultures. Subsequent subculturing from a single isolated colony can help to ensure a pure culture.

What is the criteria for a good quality streak plate?

A good quality streak plate should be made of a hard material like porcelain or glass to resist scratching. It should have a smooth, flat surface for streaking with a streaking tool. The streak plate should also be easy to clean and autoclave for sterilization.

What is the differences between a streak plate technique and a serial dilution technique?

A streak plate technique is used to isolate individual bacterial colonies on a solid agar plate to obtain pure cultures, while a serial dilution technique is used to dilute a bacterial sample in a series of steps to obtain a range of concentrations for further analysis. Streak plate technique is qualitative, focusing on colony isolation, while serial dilution technique is quantitative, focusing on estimating bacterial concentration.

What is the technique you used in purify the bacterial culture on a plate?

I used streak plate technique to purify the bacterial culture on a plate. This involved streaking the culture onto the agar surface in a specific pattern to isolate individual colonies by dilution. Subsequent incubation allowed the colonies to grow separately, enabling the selection of pure cultures for further study.

Related questions

What is the purpose of the plate?

A streak plate is used to determine the streak colour of a mineral. You take the mineral and scratch it against the streak plate, and it will create a coloured streak on the plate. The streak is not always the same colour as the mineral itself.

What happens if you rub the mineral across a streak plate but the mineral does not leave a streak?

The lack of a streak would indicate that the mineral is harder than the streak plate, or the color of the streak is the same as the color of the streak plate.

When performing a streak plate culture in what direction should one rotate the nutrient plate?

When performing a streak plate culture, the nutrient plate should be rotated in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction to create isolated colonies on different parts of the plate. The rotation ensures that the inoculating loop spreads the bacteria evenly across the agar surface, leading to distinct colonies for further analysis.

Will diamond leave a streak on a streak plate?

Diamond will not leave a streak on a porcelain streak plate because diamond is harder than the streak plate. It will leave a scratch on the streak plate for the same reason.

If an inoculated plate had colonies between the streak lines what would you conclude?

Colonies between streak lines may indicate over-inoculation or contamination during streaking. It could also be a result of uneven streaking technique. It is important to carefully assess the plate to determine the cause and take steps to prevent it in the future.

Can you show me a picture of a streak plate that has a streak from aquamarine on it?

I do not have a picture, but when you scratch aquamarine on a streak plate, the powder will be white colored.

What are 2 minerals that don't leave a streak on a streak plate?

Two minerals that do not leave a streak on a streak plate are quartz and fluorite. Both minerals have a hardness higher than that of the streak plate, so they will not leave a streak when rubbed against it.

What is the difference between single plate clutch and multi plate clutch?

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Which is a good way to tell the difference between hematite and galena?

Hematite is typically a dark gray to black mineral with a reddish streak, while galena is a silvery-gray mineral with a cubic crystal structure. One way to differentiate between them is by performing a streak test: hematite will leave a reddish-brown streak, while galena will leave a gray streak. Additionally, galena is heavier than hematite and has a metallic luster.

What is the difference between a scratch test and a streak test?

a streak test is a test wheree you rub a mineral across a streak plate to see the color of its streak, which is a better indentifying factor of the mineral than the external color. A scratch test is when you scratch a mineral to find out its hardness on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This is also another useful identifying factor

How do you determine the streak of a mineral whose Mohs scale is higher than the streak plate?

You can determine the streak of a mineral whose Mohs scale is higher than the streak plate by either filing or crushing with a hammer before rubbing the sample on a streak plate.

What is the powder left behind on a streak plate called?

The powder left behind on a streak plate is called a streak. It is produced by scraping a mineral sample across the plate to reveal its color and texture. This streak can be compared to a mineral's known streak color to help with identification.