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Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by carrier aircraft launched from six aircraft carriers who had closed to within two hundred miles of Hawaii undetected. Most naval authorities had thought an attack by naval aircraft on Pearl Harbor could cause little damage, because the water of the Harbor was believed to be too shallow for torpedo bombers to avoid having the torpedoes they dropped stick in the mud of the harbor bottom, and because the heaviest bombs usually carried by carrier airplanes was a 500 pond bomb, which would not penetrate the armored deck of battleships. The Japanese overcame these problems by much practice at low-level torpedo bombing and by fitting their torpedoes with wooden fins which added buoyancy, so they were able to torpedo-bomb successfully. The Japanese also used other torpedo bombers as high level bombers, and equipped these with 2000 pound armor-piercing battleship shells fitted with bomb fins, which when dropped from several thousand feet did penetrate the armored deck of battleships, one of which exploded the ship's magazines of the USS Arizona and destroyed it. The Japanese were able to do significant damage to the battleships of the US Pacific fleet, though eventually all but two of these battleships were repaired and saw service later in the war. The Japanese were unlucky in that none of the US aircraft carriers were in the harbor when they attacked. The Japanese could have made the attack much worse had they attacked the dry-dock gates, the submarine base in the harbor, and especially the fuel farm, but they ignored all these valuable targets. Destruction of the fuel farm would have forced the US Pacific Fleet back over 2000 miles to its bases on the west coast of the US. The Japanese fleet lost only 29 aircraft in the attack and got away still undetected.

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12y ago

The Japaneses attacked the base Pearl Harbor In Hawaii Thousands or American Soldier were killed and which started WW2

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16y ago

It happened in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.

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