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The draft law.

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Q: What is a example of strict construction?
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Is it true jefferson's position favoring the Louisiana purchase is an example of strict construction of the constitution?

No that is false. It is an example of loose construction.

Is this True or false Alexander Hamilton's argument for a national bank is an example of strict construction of the constitution?

False. This was an example of loose construction and one of the first major uses of the "necessary and proper" or "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution.

What is the difference between strict construction and broad construction?

Strict construction takes a narrow view of laws, statutes, and the constitution. Broad construction takes a broad view of laws, statutes, and the constitution.

How would you use strict construction in a sentence?

You might think that these strict construction safety rules are unnecessary, but lives have been lost performing this task.

Did Hamilton believe in a strict construction of the constitution?

He believed that if something wasn't forbidden in the constitution, then it was permitted. For example, the United States having a national bank. It wasn't forbidden in the constitution, so he took that as it being okay to have one, it was one of the implied powers of the government.

Was Fletcher v Peck a decision of strict construction?

No, Fletcher v. Peck was not a decision of strict construction. The case involved a land dispute and the Supreme Court's ruling upheld the sanctity of contracts, emphasizing the importance of property rights and the rule of law.

What political parties are most associated with strict construction?

Political parties that are most associated with strict constructionism are typically conservative or libertarian-leaning parties. These parties often advocate for a limited interpretation of the Constitution and believe in strictly following the text and original intent of the document. Examples may include the Republican Party in the United States or the Conservative Party in the UK.

Strict construction of the Constitution?

Legal philosophy of judicial interpretation.

What is the definition of strict construction?

'strict construction' is when democratic-republican parties make sure no one is using powers that the Constitution says you cannot. Democratic-republicans are for a stronger State government.

Does the federalist support loose or strict construction?

A weak central government. a confederation, and individual rights.

Why did the liberal construction of the Constitution prevail?

In which case? There have been numerous cases where the liberal construction has prevailed and numerous cases where the strict construction was followed.

What are the loose and strict constructions of the Constitution and who favored each?

It's your interpretation of the constitution. The philosophy that allows narrow constitutional interpretation is called strict construction and the philosophy of broad constitutional interpretation is called loose construction. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison favored the strict constructions, and Alexander Hamilton favored the loose construction.